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How it all started

I took a shot at hair when a billionaire in the hair industry, told me on a whim that I should do hair for a living. At first, I honestly laughed at the idea. But for some reason, the idea kept lingering in my head for weeks that I should just do it anyways. And so, I mustered up the courage and took his advice and signed up for hair school the very next month. (plus, if you ever get a chance to where a billionaire gives you advice to do something… you might wanna give it a shot. :D )


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Thus began my absolute STRUGGLE of a journey


Signed up for hair school and did whatever I physically could to immerse myself in all things hair. I worked overnight at a gym to pay the bills. After I clocked out at the crack of dawn, I’d hit the gym’s showers and go straight to school, and, if I was lucky, snuck in a 30 minute nap in my car inside the parking lot of the school before my 7-8 hour day of nonstop learning.  After school I had just enough time to get 3 hours of sleep in my own bed before I started the grind again. You’d think I would’ve taken the weekends to rest, but I was honestly so eager to learn that I also worked at a salon as the shampoo guy so I could get discounts on industry-leading hair products. To be honest, not even an endless amount of energy drinks a day was enough to keep me energized, but for two years I forced myself to stick to it.

That’s When Danny Lovve was Born


I remember a classmate of mine asking me why I used all of my remaining dollars I had on expensive hair products to use on clients at school that didn’t even pay me. I responded without thinking, “I don’t know, I guess I wanna learn and understand it all”. Every ounce that I invested in my future and myself was to understand hair. I felt like I was always playing catch-up with everyone in class. and honestly, why do we even use products in the first place? Why do we buy it? Why do we use it? Is it a gimmick? Is this stuff even safe for you? The most important question I found myself asking was…why do Men’s haircare products seem neglected? Why does it seem as if it’s just….there? And that’s when Danny Lovve Haircare came into being.

The Chemistry


It really started to take off when my classmate introduced me to a chemist. She became my only hope in understanding the chemistry behind hair products. At first, she denied my plea for help with this project, she had never worked on cosmetic chemistry before. After months of persistence, she finally gave me a shot in helping me understand and develop what is now the Matte Styling Formula. We took our time with developing the formula and I took my time in understanding sourcing and negotiations and every other aspect that goes into having a company.  I wanted this product to be perfect. I wanted everything to make sense to me and to the people that were going to use it. I wanted to create a product line that the consumer could trust and be proud of. I wanted to use this product on my own clients. Here we are today, still learning, still understanding as we further the line with thoughtful, high quality products for men. This is my unfinished story and I’m excited to see where everything goes from here!